Wednesday, February 10, 2010

snow, stupid games, and more snow school today. most likely no school all this week. :D and D: lol.

played rappelz again today. i died a cpl times but its no big deal. i was playing with cooper and he can ressurect ppl.

AND.....yeah. earlier we went on blizzard watch because of white-out effect. its still a WHOLE TON of snow. i heard snow drifts might get to 6 thats taller than me!!!!

5:14 pm--in rappelz, u click the left mouse button to move and the right one to change the camera angle. so when i went on farmville today, i kept trying to use the right mouse button to move the screen (the normal control is click and drag with left mouse button) might not amuse you, but it made me smile.

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