Wednesday, January 27, 2010

yesterday and today

sorry about the late post.

so not much made me smile yesterday (it was a bad day). but alex was amazing. in chorus we started learning a new song, and apparently he liked the soprano better. so he asked tra if he could be a soprano. also, bought tickets for the dance on saturday!!!

not much happened today either. altho, beka and i came up with a new name (and move-thing) for drama therapy. DRAMA SQUAD!!! (hit charlies angels pose) LOL. had a major headache today, and then after it went away, it was a normal day.


Sarah said...

I like the Drama Squad *hits Charlie's Angels pose* thingy!!!!!!

Andee said...

sarah tweed, i love you!! i will soooo have to do it for you tomro nite. you will be there, right??????

Christine said...

andee, are you going to swing tomorrow night?