Tuesday, January 19, 2010


M #1--i went to the MVA to get my permit today!!! yayz. i can FINALLY drive. its wierd getting used to tho.....especially since i STILL dont know how big my moms car is around me... *sigh*

M #2--Mythology!! i got some greek mythology books from the Abingdon library. :D im looking forward to reading them... :)) altho, they didnt have the books i wanted. :( but still!! mythology is soo cool!!

S--im gonna ask my mom if we can play Spyro after dinner. i LOVE that game. it is soooo much funn!! especially when youre playing with your mom. We play games the same way (we like to explore and collect everything we can) so its much better playing with her than my bro (mr. lets-get-thru-this-as-quick-as-possible-i-wanna-beat-the-game)...oy.

sooo...yeah. also had a dentists appt and rehearsal :( rehearsal tomro, but if we have it friday im gonna be missing it b/c of ROCK!!!! YAYZ!!! sooo psyched!! lol

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