Sunday, June 20, 2010


anyways! lol...

i went to the hospital (kent general hospital, or something like that) yesterday. Grandpa, apparently, is doing 1000x better than he was, and he is being moved to Silver Lake rehab center today! :)
we have our plane tickets for colombia all bought and together and everything :) we dont have to leave until 1-ish on friday for our flight. :D so psyched!
i talked with ian yesterday :) we are totally over the short-term effects of our major blowout, which is really good. im still having some... issues, but i hope that ill get over them in time to not completely push him away.
leaving for pipestem tomorrow! im going to drive, A LOT, and hopefully get closer to my 40 hours i need for my license. currently, i have 15. exactly. not too bad, considering driving with mom can stress me out sometimes. :)

so, this will be my last regular post. i will try to update as soon as possible, and start watching my colombia blog! :)♥


Christine said...

errmm... I thought we need 60 hrs... maybe im wrong...

Colin said...

We do need 60 hours. blech

Andee said...

we do need 60. my bad!

on the plus side, i have 29, currently! almost half way there!!! lol.

Christine said...

i have 40!! but there's no way im coming up with 20 hrs anytime soon. gotta go find that parking lot, right andee? =P

Andee said...

haha YES! i might have to do that too... i wonder if it counts? lol.

shoot. i just remembered i still need some night-time hours... *groan* guess ill have to drag my parents out to a parking lot after dinner... lol!