Friday, June 4, 2010

mime :D

mime was pretty funn. :)
we started working on our statues. my statue for Wisdom is HARD! i have to work on that a lot. and it hurts my back.
BUT, erin and i got to create our mourning statue for Lazarus. IM SO PSYCHED THAT MR.J IS DOING LAZARUS!!!!!!!! :D

anyways, when i got home i talked to autumn, outside, sitting on the wet grass. i had to go change shorts... :(
then i started talking with christine
and ian.
and playing solitaire.

probably gonna go to bed soon.
PRINCE OF PERSIA TOMORROW!!!! soo psyched! <3



Colin said...

Wonder? do you mean Wisdom?

Andee said...

there, you happy? lol.